with fresh Founders Lev Glazman and Alina Roytberg

Wake up to the skin of your dreams! Join fresh founders Lev and Alina as they celebrate the launch of fresh’s new Lotus AHA Resurfacing Gentle Serum, available exclusively at Sephora! They will share their fresh journey, starting as a small neighborhood shop in Boston with a dream of creating natural and effective skincare, and how they developed fresh’s first AHA product while remaining true to their skincare values. They will be joined by celebrity esthetician Candace Marino, who will share her iconic facial-massage tips and tricks. All eligible attendees will receive a fresh gift, and two lucky winners will receive an exclusive grand prize!

Acompañe a la estilista de celebridades y embajadora de la belleza de Dyson, Irinel de León, para aprender todo lo que hay que saber sobre el cabello de Dyson. Preste atención a Irinel a medida que guía por sus mejores consejos y trucos para usar las herramientas para el cabello de Dyson a fin de crear sus estilos favoritos y lograr un look listo para la alfombra roja. Además, no se pierda la oportunidad de ver la nueva colección de edición limitada de Dyson, exclusivamente en Sephora.
with Celebrity Stylist Irinel de León

Join celebrity stylist and Dyson beauty ambassador Irinel de León to learn everything there is to know about Dyson hair. Follow along as Irinel walks you through her best tips and tricks for using Dyson hair tools to create her favorite styles and to achieve a red-carpet-ready look. Plus, don’t miss the chance to see Dyson’s new limited-edition collection, available exclusively at Sephora.

Bienvenido a la Hora feliz virtual de KILIAN Paris, donde las noches están preparadas para inspirarse y perfumarse con un sentido único de fiesta. El fundador de la marca, Kilian Hennessy, ha creado su visión contemporánea de la perfumería francesa con una alusión a los artesanos del pasado. Un maestro del aroma, trabaja en estrecha colaboración con narices de renombre para dirigir la creación de cada fragancia. Acompañe al equipo de KILIAN Paris mientras exploran estas creaciones aromáticas y comparten la inspiración detrás de cada mezcla, su postura de sostenibilidad y el verdadero significado detrás del lema de la marca, “No seas tímido”.

Welcome to the KILIAN Paris virtual happy hour, where nights are set to get inspired–and scented–by a unique sense of party. Twisting traditional French luxury with his own audacious take, brand founder Kilian Hennessy has created his contemporary vision of French perfumery with a nod to artisans of the past. A master of scent, he works closely with renowned noses to direct the creation of each fragrance. Join the KILIAN Paris team as they explore these scent creations and share the inspiration behind each blend, their sustainability stance, and the true meaning behind the brand’s motto, “Don’t be shy.”